Our Beach Engagement Photos

Our beach engagement photos Ready for some more of our amazing engagement session with Javon Longieliere??? Here we go!!! After all the fun going around St. Augustine taking pictures, we were sweaty, hot and ready…

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Banner Elkin’ It

You know when life gets SO busy and you think to yourself “omg I just want to DO NOTHING.” Well…this trip allowed us that luxury. We literally did nothing for 3 days straight! We were…

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Mommy and Daddy Christmas

Have you entered the giveaway I have going on??? It ends TOMORROW!!! There are under 10 entries so there is an AWESOME chance at winning! Go HERE to enter ๐Ÿ™‚ Last year (meaning 2011) was the…

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Pre-Christmas Activities!

Gearing up for Christmas in our family is no joke ๐Ÿ™‚ We have a list of traditions that’s a mile long! This year G-Mama and Big Papa wanted to get everyone together for dinner one…

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Writing Letters and Picking Ornaments

So I’ve noticed that the facebook page for my blog has 191 “likes” and I have 278 followers on the blogger! When the facebook page hits 200 “likes” AND the blog hits 300 followers I…

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