Christmas Photos

Notice anything new about the blog??? Anything? haha You probably didn’t notice BUT there are now “pin it” buttons at the bottom of each post. It was a PAIN to do it but I’m always…

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Brittlynn’s 1 Year Photo Session!

We scheduled Brittlynn’s 1 year photos for Dec 1st. Her party was on the 8th and I wanted to have some of the pictures on display at the party…and wanted to use some of the…

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Britt’s Birthday Invitations!

Every birthday invitation for Kye has included a picture of him on it (but that’s probably changing for his 4th birthday! I already ordered the invites!) so I wanted to do the same thing for…

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Ready for the Challenge!

I have officially weaned Brittlynn (post to come…I’m in the fun cabbage wearing phase now…) and am ordering my 24 Day Challenge TOMORROW!!! Ahh! I’m really, truly excited. I have run out of most of…

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Kye Monthly Summary – November

Here’s everything my sweet boy was up to during the month of November! Was it really just a month ago? It feels like AGES ago!!! Chalk Fun: One morning Kye thought up the idea to go outside…

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