The Hunt for Mr. Claus

Every year we take a visit to meet Santa. I LOVE going to Steel’s as they are so relaxed and Santa is always so sweet. This year Santa wouldn’t be able to see us at…

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Christmas Tree Time!

I know I’ve been away for a bit. There are many reasons…one biggie being that I made the switch to the new computer and it takes some adjusting for SURE! I’m officially a Mac Girl…

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Hayden’s Heroes

You can read an update on Hayden HERE! ***** If you have been a blog reader for awhile then you have probably heard about Hayden. I have asked for prayers for him and his sweet…

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Thanksgiving 2012 {Part 2}

There will NOT be a Flashback Friday post tomorrow! I am FINALLY biting the bullet and setting up my new computer 🙂 I mean I’ve had the thing for almost a month now…it’s about time…

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How Moms can help Dads

Last month I was beyond honored to take part in Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! You can read that post here in case you missed it 😉 I was even MORE honored when I was…

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