Thanksgiving 2012 {Part 1}

When there are life changes we have choices of how we respond. We can be upset and resist the change or we can keep moving forward and adapt. I try my best to adapt and…

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Blogger Day of Silence

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Birthday UOT Trip!

For my birthday this year Zach gave me such a thoughtful, sweet gift! A trip to Atlanta together that including a SHOPPING SPREE. I was soooo excited!!! I spent the time leading up to our…

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Day of Silence

I know, like so many others, I am still in shock over the horrible events from Friday. I have seen that other blogs are doing a blogger day of silence and I am honored to…

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Flashback Friday: Baby Zach

Since I got all the baby attention last week I thought it’d be fun to upload Zach’s baby pictures! With mine the general consensuses was that Kye looked NOTHING like me but that Britt and…

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