Kye’s Thanksgiving Feast

Last year I had a GREAT time at Kye’s Thanksgiving event at school. I was looking forward to it again this year ๐Ÿ™‚ Zach had to work and simply couldn’t be there. I hate that,…

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Little Leaf Art Studio

I met Autumn through Crissy several years ago. She has been in the delivery room with me with both of my babies and does SUCH an amazing job with her photography skills ๐Ÿ˜‰ She is…

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Toy Review ~ Hullabalu

Awhile back I was contacted by Hullabalu regarding doing a toy review for them. Free toy for my kids? Sounds great to me!!!! The package arrived and I waited for a good day to pull…

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Brittlynn ~ 11 Months Old!

Brittlynn turned 11 months old on November 6th! Here is everything she’s up to when compared with What to Expect the First Year (about to be packing that junk away and pulling down the Toddler…

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New Year ~ New Us!

2012 has not been my favorite year ever…I’m REALLY pumped to get 2013 started! I feel like it’s going to be such a great year in so many ways! We all set goals at the…

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