Foot Issues

Back during the first week of October I noticed my foot was hurting. I don’t consider myself clumsy but I do tend to hurt my feet a lot. I walk around barefoot all the time…

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Words to Cherish

In writing my post yesterday I read back through all my birthday cards. What do you do with your birthday cards??? I stick them all in a box that goes under the bed never to…

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My 28th Birthday!

My birthday was November 1st. I woke up as usual planning to get going to get Kye to school. Instead Zach surprised me with special birthday pancakes ๐Ÿ˜‰ His specialty! I haven’t had them in…

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Halloween 2012

This year Halloween had an interesting start…it was a TERRIBLE day for me haha. I overslept (which never happens) so I was running late to get Kye to school. Zach had driven my car the…

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What I’m Thankful For…

Every year in my family we go around our Thanksgiving table and say what we are thankful for. It’s a common tradition for this holiday that I’m sure many of us share. Every year I…

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