Brittlynn’s Bath Seat

I get asked a decent amount of questions about my blog…mostly about Babywise and Christianity. And others about parenting and babies. One question I get asked often is regarding Brittlynn’s bath seat! I thought I’d…

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Pumpkin Carving

While we were finishing up our afternoon swing session…Zach was getting everything ready to do our pumpkin carving! Zach and I decided that we will always have ONE family pumpkin to carve…at least until the…

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Sweet Girl Swinging

As previously mentioned…Brittlynn has been in a bit of a fussy stage lately. Especially in the afternoons! Zach and I are learning tricks to help her be happier. Our best one yet? THE SWING!!! Man…

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Babywise ~ More than Luck!

I am the type of person who gets passionate about the things I love. When I find something that works, I stick with it and I love to share my passion about it with others.…

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Flashback Fri: Crazy Moving Weekend

I’ve been asked to write a guest blog post that will be posted tomorrow so Flashback Friday has become “Flashback Thursday” for this week only ๐Ÿ˜‰ I will still have the link-up open until Sunday…

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