Trunk or Treat 2012

Every year our church hosts a Trunk or Treat event. Kye’s first Halloween (2009) we stopped by for a bit but it was down in Lake Park area so we had to leave before the…

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Kye and Mommy Date “Knight”

Before having Brittlynn I had Kye ALL to myself. While I wouldn’t trade my sweet baby girl for the world…I do have times where I miss those special Mommy/Kye days (this blog post still gets…

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Flashback Friday: Miss Central Pageants

I’m starting to get in a good groove with this whole Flashback Friday thing. I am organizing all my old pictures as I go and I LOVE that now they will be forever stored on…

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Pumpkin Patch 2012

This was the first year since 2007 that Zach and I haven’t gone on a big Aflac trip during the month of October. A lot has been going on and we made the decision to…

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Brittlynn ~ 10 Months Old!

Brittlynn turned 10 months old on Oct 6th. This was the TOUGHEST time yet to get cute pictures. I tried two different times and still struggled. We’ve ALL been in a funk around here lately…

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