Brittlynn Summary of Month 10

Whew! I’ve legit been working on this post since Friday of last week!!! It’s a beast 🙂 Brittlynn was 9 months old from Sept 6th through Oct 5th (her 10th month of life). Here’s a…

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Tomorrow is the BIG election day!!! I’m personally anxious as we wait to see who our president will be. This is the first election where I feel like I’m somewhat knowledgeable on the issues and…

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Flashback Friday: My Birthdays!

My birthday was yesterday! I’m now 28 years old (gotta enjoy my last two years before hitting 30, right???). Part of my birthday I spent going through old pictures and reliving my birthdays of the…

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Night Out!

Having one child is life changing. It is. Your entire WORLD changes and you see things in a whole new perspective. Having two children changes things again. Parenting is a BREEZE, but life is much…

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Kye Monthly Summary ~ September

Here’s everything my sweet boy had going on during the month of September…the month where he officially turned 3 1/2 years old!!! Writing: Kye has become very into his writing. He has always liked to…

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