Honeybee Festival

Last year Kye and I attended the Hahira Honeybee Festival for the first time (whoa check out mega pregnant Emily in that post…yikes!). It’s a tradition that a lot of locals enjoy and this year…

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Flashback Friday: Lasik

I’ve been a glasses/contacts wearer for majority of my life. I remember when I first realized I needed glasses. I was watching an episode of Full House where Stephanie realized she needed glasses. I realized…

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Graco Size4Me 70 Review

When I was pregnant with Kye we registered for everything under the sun. I did some research on things but for the most part we just went with what seemed to be the most popular…

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What I’m Loving Wednesday!

I haven’t linked up with Jamie over at This Kind of Love in a long time. Today I’m thankful it’s Wednesday and that she’s still hosting this link-up. I am in desperate need of a…

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Wonderful Visits!

I have been so blessed in the friend department. Through the world of blogging and Facebook I’ve had the opportunity to reconnect with old friends and form many new, wonderful relationships. The internet connects us…

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