Magical Day: Part 2

Right when Kye woke up we left to go back to the park. I was INSTANTLY thankful we decided to leave for nap. While the morning part of our day was a BLAST…Kye benefited from…

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Flashback Friday: “Secret” Aflac Trip

Have you seen the awesome earrings I’m auctioning off to benefit The Turner’s??? Auction ends TONIGHT at 10 PM EST!!! Go here to place a bid!!! ***** So I’m LOVING Flashback Friday ๐Ÿ™‚ I think…

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Magical Day: Part 1

Oh Disney World…can I please, please visit every single day??? I am a TRUE believer in all things Disney and am so thankful for our trip!!! When I booked the trip I knew that there…

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Disney…a little bit of drama then a lot of FUN!

My “Disney Goal” is to instill the magical love of Disney into my children the same way I have it for myself. I LOVE Disney. To me it seriously is THE Happiest Place on EARTH!!!…

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FSU vs Wake Forest

We took Kye to an FSU game back in 2010 (remember?). We decided not to go to one last year because I was pregnant and we did enough stuff during that time of the year…

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