Auction for the Turners: Stella and Dot Earrings

Many of you read Kelly’s blog and I’m sure by now have heard the news about Matt Turner. While I do not know the Turner’s personally, his story hit home for Zach and I. Zach…

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9 Month Pediatrician Visit

I know I said the giveaway would end Sunday…but those of you who entered late just got lucky 🙂 The winner of the high chair cover and bib is: Result: 8  Kaitlin • 6 days…

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Outside Time

I know I’ve been an MIA blogger this week but I DO still have a giveaway going on! It ends SUNDAY so go over and enter to win NOW! Last I checked there are less…

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Our College Graduation

Our College Graduation When I graduated high school and headed to college I attended Florida State University. I was undeclared in my major that year. If people asked me what my plans were I would…

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Going through the motions

Lately my blog hasn’t been up to par. That’s because my life hasn’t been. In all areas I’m just “going through the motions.” I’m being a mom. A wife. A friend. But I’m not able…

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