Brittlynn’s 9 Month Professional Pictures

Have you entered the GIVEAWAY yet??? You can check it out HERE! Not many entries yet so lots of chances to win!!!  ***** Who else feels like we’re having professional pictures done like every week???…

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Grubby Bubby High Chair Cover Review

If you’re a blog reader then you pretty much know I REALLY like things to be coordinated. Our family often coordinates our outfits and I buy things for my kids specifically so they will match…

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Flashback Friday: Halloween Costumes

Welcome to my second Flashback Friday post! This will be a weekly link-up event every Friday!!! Feel free to share ANY story you wish. You do NOT have to share the same topic I do!…

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Monthly Pic Outtakes

When I was taking Brittlynn’s pics for her 9 month post we had a little interruption take place. Kye jumped in the scene and totally wanted to be part of it all. I got lucky…

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Brittlynn ~ 9 Months Old!

9 months old?!?! Like FOR REAL that’s insane!!! Part of me wants to hold onto the baby stage forever but another part of me is so excited to see Brittlynn develop her own personality. I’m…

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