Zach’s 24 Day Challenge (and update from me!!!)

As I mentioned in my Advocare story I tried and tried to get Zach to do the challenge with me. I knew if we did it together that I’d be even more successful as it’s…

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Courtney’s 24 Day Challenge

When I first did my challenge I did it 100% for myself. I never once even thought that my story would be inspiring to others. It SHOCKED me when I finally broke down and told…

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Casey and Jordan’s 24 Day Challenge

I know everyone has heard my story about the nursing version of the 24 Day Challenge! A group of 8 of my family and friends just finished up with their legit 24 Day Challenges. Between…

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Kye Monthly Summary ~ August

Here’s everything Kye had going on during the month of August: Strep: Kye has had strep three times in less than a year. That’s quite a few times. With the last time he had it…

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Riding In Style

When Kye was born I rarely got hand-me-downs from people. Like by rarely I’m pretty sure I mean never. Courtney had just had Colt and then had Payton a few months after Kye was born…

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