Random Family Gatherings!

If you haven’t already noticed we’ve been spending a lot more time with the family lately. Really Casey and Jordan’s wedding just brought us all so much closer together! Prior to the wedding I always…

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Parker Family Photos ~ Best Buds

Growing up my brother and I were so fortunate to have cousins right around our same ages. My cousin, Meghan, is 11 months older than me and my cousin, Jonathan, is 11 months younger. My…

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Parker Family Photos ~ Family

You’ve seen the adult pics…you’ve seen the kids ones…now it’s time for all the family combinations we took! My hair got lucky…since we were there first we got to have our family ones done first…

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Parker Family Photos ~ The Kids

You’ve seen the adult pictures from our photo shoot with Captured by Colson…now it’s the kids turn to shine! We scheduled the session for 7:45 in the morning as all of our children are their…

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Parker Family Photos ~ Adults

When Casey got married Mrs. Charlotte really wanted a picture of our entire family. There were TONS of AMAZING pictures from that day (which I PROMISE I’m going to sort through and post some eventually…there…

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