A Godly Wife

If there is one area in my life where I’m the most confident, it’s in my parenting. I know that I’m a good mother. I know this because I work so hard to be a…

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Don and Sara’s Wedding

Growing up Zach had a super tight group of guy friends and one of them was Don. They attended church together throughout childhood and even lived together in college for awhile. During college we were…

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Back to School!

After Kye’s 1st successful year at school last year, I was looking forward for him to get to go back to school this year. We debated about what to do this year…his teachers from his…

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Zach’s 28th Birthday

Zach turned 28 years old on August 7th!!! Usually every year he has either had football practice on his birthday weekend or has had to work. He has one group every year that has to…

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Brittlynn ~ 8 Months Old!

Brittlynn turned 8 Months old on August the 6th. Our 7 Month pics didn’t go so great so I was a tad nervous about these…but ohmygoodness. My little cutie was just showing off her little…

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