Brittlynn Summary of Month 8

Brittlynn was 7 months old from July 6th through August 5th. It was a BUSY month in the land of Brittlynn!!! Eating: Girl can GRUB. She lovessssss eating solids and will chow down on anything…

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Kye Artwork and Progress Report ~ Spring 2012

When I sent Kye off on his first day of school a couple weeks ago it hit me that I never posted his artwork pics from the Spring and I never posted his progress report…

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Kye Solo Night

We don’t often get time for Zach and I to spend alone with Kye together. One weekend my mom said she wanted to get to see the kids and decided she wanted to have one…

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The Cookie Experiment

Everyone knows how much I LOVE Babywise. Sometimes I get hated on for following a book for my parenting methods. But ya know what? I follow a book for how to live my life (The…

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Kye Monthly Summary ~ July

Kye is truly such a joy and is at an age where everyday he becomes more fun!!! I never want it to end! Here’s what he was up to in July: Lizard Friend: I LOVE…

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