Tour of Friends

I am abundantly blessed with a great group of friends. I’ve lived in Valdosta for 8 years now and have formed some truly awesome friendships. I have also maintained many of my friendships prior to…

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Neela and Titus Bday Parties!

Those Megow’s and their parties ๐Ÿ˜‰ It makes me SO excited to have four kids because that means I’ll get to plan 4 parties a year! I can’t wait!!! Since I am so behind and…

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Brittlynn ~ 7 Months Old!

Britt-Britt turned 7 months old on July 6th! Congrats to Megan from Loving the Little Things she just had her baby girl #3 and I sent her the monthly stickers I’ve already put to good…

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Britt’s Summary of Month 7

It’s been AWHILE since I did a monthly post…and this is basically a summary from JUNE which is RIDICULOUS! I have a fire lit under my butt though to get these posts rolling ๐Ÿ˜‰ You…

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August 15th

Today is Big Daddy’s 85th Birthday!!! Big Daddy, Jake Parker, is Mr. Rusty’s dad. Making him Zach’s grandfather and Kye and Britt’s great-grandfather. Growing up I never got to meet my Dad’s father or even…

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