Losing the Baby Weight: Advocare

Danielle and I have known each other since elementary school but we became bff level friends our senior year in high school (I’m not actually sure when/how it happened…but I’m glad it did!). We’ve remained…

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Losing the Baby Weight: Slim Fast

I’ve always been hardcore about being a bride. I wasn’t one of those who had every detailed of my wedding day planned from the age of three, but I LOVED every second of being engaged.…

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Losing the Baby Weight: Weight Watchers

As all of you know, I’m a “plan follower.” I like a plan. I like to have something to follow. My guidebook for parenting is Babywise. My guidebook for living my life is the Bible.…

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July 4th ~ Afternoon

After our fun morning we went down for naps and KYE FINALLY SLEPT!!! It wasn’t a full nap but it was much better than the naps the other days ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m telling you, it was…

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4th of July ~ Morning

The morning of July 4th we got our free breakfast (at this point in the trip Kye actually asked for the fresh fruit they had…I think he was missing his constant fruit eating from home!).…

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