The BEST Scooter for 2-Year-Olds

When it comes to the best scooter for 2-year-olds, I’ve got you covered. Isn’t this such a fun and wild stage? It feels like one day your baby starts walking, and the next, they’ve got…

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Spear’s Finalization Day Celebration: May 2021

Every year we recognize the anniversary of the day that Spear’s adoption was finalized. I understand that many people, both in and outside of the adoption community, find Gotcha Day to be offensive…and I understand…

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Mother’s Day 2021

Our tradition is to celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day the entire day before the actual holiday. It always works out nicely to have a full day together as a family! Mother’s Day this year…

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Monthly Family Recap: April 2021

All of our family moments from April! Every year I take the kids to visit a local strawberry patch to pick strawberries. Last year it was our first real outing during the shut-down and I…

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Tess’s 7th Birthday Slideshow

Our sweet Tessie is SEVEN!!! Out of all of our babies it’s the craziest to see Tess really grow up before our eyes. It seems like she should always be the LITTLE BABY right?!? This…

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