Adopting From Foster Care: 9 Myths About Fostering to Adopt

Thinking about adopting from foster care? Then it’s time to separate the facts from the myths! When Zach and I made the decision to adopt we chose to go the domestic, private adoption route you…

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The BEST Scooter for 2-Year-Olds

When it comes to the best scooter for 2-year-olds, I’ve got you covered. Isn’t this such a fun and wild stage? It feels like one day your baby starts walking, and the next, they’ve got…

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Spear’s Finalization Day Celebration: May 2021

Every year we recognize the anniversary of the day that Spear’s adoption was finalized. I understand that many people, both in and outside of the adoption community, find Gotcha Day to be offensive…and I understand…

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Mother’s Day 2021

Our tradition is to celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day the entire day before the actual holiday. It always works out nicely to have a full day together as a family! Mother’s Day this year…

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Monthly Family Recap: April 2021

All of our family moments from April! Every year I take the kids to visit a local strawberry patch to pick strawberries. Last year it was our first real outing during the shut-down and I…

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