Britt’s Summary of Month 6

Fair warning! This post has over 100 pictures ๐Ÿ™‚ Brittlynn is just super, duper cute (at least in my opinion) so it’s tough for me to delete any pictures I take of her! Plus after…

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Kye Monthly Summary ~ May

Thanks to Italy, I’m nice and behind again ๐Ÿ™‚ It was worth it though!!! Now that I’m back to blogging about my favorite topic (duh, my kids!) I’m sure I’ll catch up quickly ๐Ÿ˜‰ Here’s…

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The End of Italy!

If you made it this long, then you deserve some type of reward. I feel like for making it this long in writing all of these posts that I also deserve some type of reward.…

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Italy Day 7: Pantheon

We hopped off the bus where the random teenager kid told us to (thankfully he was honest!). We walked down a little bit and then saw the MASSIVE building to the right of us…we made…

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Italy Day 7: Rome FINALLY

After I finished pumping we loaded up the book bag and headed back out. Originally when we had booked the trip we had planned on exploring the Colosseum area on our own anyway, so really…

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