Italy Day 7: Angels and Demons Tour

Our FINAL day in Italy (don’t get too pumped, there are like 4 blog posts to cover this day haha). Originally we planned for Friday to be a “catch up” day, to hit highlights in…

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Italy Day 6: Finishing Up Florence

When we got off the train in Florence we didn’t really have a set plan. Since our first morning train ran late we we sort of pressed for time. I would need to pump prior…

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Italy Day 6: Pisa! Pisa!

Day 6 officially marked the longest we’d ever been away from Kye (obviously Brittlynn as well). Aflac trips typically run 5 days, including travel time. Hawaii was 6. At this point on the trip I…

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Italy Day 5: Blue Grotto ~ Return to Rome

Once the large tour group exited our boat we headed back to the blue grotto. It was about a 15 min ride so we spent the time visiting with our new Atlanta friends. When we…

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Italy Day 5: Capri Island Tour

We are over the halfway point of the Italy posts…I promise I’m trying to speed them along!!! Before heading to Italy I actually wrote out an itinerary for our entire trip (shocker!). We packed exactly…

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