Tour of our Home ~ Master Bedroom

Something that I liked about our house plan was that the master bedroom isn’t very big. We wanted something with enough space to fit all of our stuff but without a bunch of extra space.…

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Tour of our Home ~ Zach’s Office

With Zach’s job he is usually on the go. If he moves up in the company he’ll eventually need an outside of the home office, but for now he just needs a space to sit…

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Tour of Our Home ~ Guest Bedroom

The second upstairs bedroom will someday become Brittlynn’s bedroom. It has an even larger closet than the playroom and is currently our guest bedroom. I know this sounds silly but I can just see ahead…

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Tour of our Home ~ Original Playroom

I decided to do the upstairs first ๐Ÿ™‚ When you first go up the stairs the first room you run straight into is the playroom. You may remember when we chose our house plans  that…

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Tour of our Home ~ Kitchen and Nook

Other than the living room, the kitchen was the next most important area to me. I spent a lot of time in there and since our family will be (Lord willing) only getting larger, we…

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