Tour of our Home ~ Dining and Living Rooms

I know that the “thing” now with houses is to have a lot of architecture design type stuff and lots of fancy wood and things. I’m just not into that. I cannot stand wasted space.…

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Tour of Our Home ~ Outside

Well we’ve lived in our house for a year and a half now. I think I’ve kept you guys waiting long enough to see it huh??? I’m going to do a post for each room.…

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Mother’s Day 2012

We make a BIG deal about Mother’s and Father’s Day around here. We go more overboard on gifts for birthdays, but we celebrate the parent days bigger. I think it’s important to teach our children…

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End of Kye’s First Year of School

It’s hard for me to believe that Kye’s already finished up his first year of school! I’m SO glad we made the choice we did in sending him to school, even though he was only…

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Doggie Lovin’ #2

When I was taking pictures of Brittlynn for the nicknames post Sadie kept interrupting us. I think maybe she secretly reads the blog and was jealous about all of Levi’s pics with Britt in my…

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