Mom’s Day at School

I have been looking forward to Mom’s Day at School for a SUPER long time. I know that may sound lame, but I’m not kidding. I about CRIED when I learned that it was the…

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Britt’s 4 Month and Kye’s 3 Year Check Ups!

Brittlynn would be turning 5 months old on May 6th yet we had her 4 month old well visit on May 4th! Kye turned three on March 4th yet we didn’t have his 3 year…

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The Rest of Toronto!

When I first heard we were going to Toronto the main thing I was excited about was getting to see Niagara Falls. We got up Sunday morning and met up with Mr. Rusty and Mrs.…

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Castle for Breakfast, CN Tower for Dinner!

The next morning we had to be down in the lobby by 8:30 so my wonderful lazy plans weren’t going to be happening that day! We are Aflac trip vets now…we know the system and…

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Oh Canada!

When Kye was 7 weeks old we left him to go on Zach’s first President’s Club trip, to Paris! It was VERY tough to leave him. He was so young and I was a new…

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