The Rest of our Beach Weekend

After our not-so-amazing beach trip we headed back to the hotel to finish up lunch. Zach and Kye raced to the dock to check on Mr. Richard’s fishing endeavors and that’s when they caught the…

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Brittlynn’s First Beach Trip

It was SO special to me that Kye’s first taste of the ocean was at the same beach where I had my first visit. I really wanted that same memory for Brittlynn so even though…

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Trip to Satellite Beach

I think traveling is SO important. Memories made on vacations (no matter how small they are) are priceless to me and I want my children to experience as much as possible. A mini-goal of mine…

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Miss Jumperoo (and a dancing brother too)

Most of the stuff Brittlynn “owns” are also things that we had with Kye as a baby. We bought a new bathtub for her (something about using a used bathtub bugged me?!?! I totally sold…

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The Cupcake Lesson

You all know I’m down to use bribery in order to get some pics of my kids…you do whatcha gotta to get that cute smile am I right?!?! Anyway…when I took the Big Brother/Little Sister…

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