Big Brother ~ Little Sister

If you aren’t the parent of two or more kids yet, then you have NO CLUE how fast time flies!!! I thought it went quickly with Kye but I was sooo wrong. Brittlynn is getting…

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“We Got a Playground!”

We are so blessed to live in a neighborhood that has a park and playground. However, when they designed the playground they didn’t really think about South Georgia weather. The hot sun beating down on…

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Celebrating Easter

This year was the year we celebrated Easter with my mom. I know I’ve mentioned it before…but if you’re engaged be sure to have the “big talk” about holidays. It’s SO important to have that…

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Easter Pics

I LOVE any excuse to get some pictures. Have you noticed that about me?!?! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I think my favorite thing about Easter is getting dressed up all coordinated as a family and getting pictures together.…

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Easter Morning 2012

Easter morning I got up super early to go ahead and get ready for church so I could enjoy the morning with the kids. Both of our kids will typically sleep until 7:15 but of…

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