Prayer Requests!

Ever-so-often times will arise where my heart feels overwhelmed with the sadness of others. Where I have told so many people I will pray for them that I have to say to God “and please…

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Decorating Easter Eggs

After our lunch at the park our next “plan” for the day was to decorate Easter eggs. While I fed Britt at her 3:00 feeding Zach got everything set up, the eggs boiled and ready…

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Picnic in the Park

The Saturday before Easter we didn’t have any plans. It’s a rare thing for us so even when we don’t have plans…I like to make plans ๐Ÿ˜‰ That morning Zach took Kye golfing just the…

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Brittlynn ~ 4 Months Old!

Brittlynn turned four months old on April 6th (so yes, in “real life time” she’s now 5 months old. I’m a complete month behind. Boo!). I got her monthly stickers from this store and I…

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Britt’s Summary of Month 4

This is Britt’s first officially monthly summary! While I didn’t really have enough stuff to cover weekly posts anymore…it sure is a hassle to have SO much to write for a monthly one. Oh well,…

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