Meeting the Easter Bunny

As parents we all love traditions…but do you have some traditions that you wish you’d never started?!?! So far for me I wish I’d never started doing the whole 4d ultrasound thing. It’s cool, don’t…

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Kye Monthly Summary ~ March

Here’s what Kye was up to in March! Bike: Kye really wanted a bike for Christmas but didn’t get one until his birthday. We were pumped about it but poor kid is too short for…

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Easter Party at the Park

The morning after the wedding we loaded up to head home. We were EXHAUSTED. Staying up past midnight both nights and having such busy days made for some sleepy parents. Even though we didn’t really…

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Casey and Jordan’s Wedding

Are you ready for a loooong post?!?! I figured after my lack of posting last week (due to no modem and then our travels to Toronto) that you’d appreciate a lengthy one. ๐Ÿ˜‰ In case…

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Wedding Rehearsal

Right after I left the bridal brunch I raced home to nurse Brittlynn. Kye didn’t have school that morning so Zach had spent that time watching the kids and loading up the last minute stuff.…

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