Hunger Games

As all of you know, we have a hardcore tradition surrounding all of the Twilight movies. We LOVE it! Katie introduced Zach and I to The Hunger Games books waaaaay back before there were any…

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Kye’s Bday Celebration at School

The policy at Kye’s school has the class celebrate all the birthdays of the month on one day each month rather than on each child’s birthday. I totally get that as this age thrives on…

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Britt’s First Outfit

As you know, Zach and I didn’t find out the sex of either of our children while I was pregnant. We LOVE the element of surprise! We went shopping for “Clover’s” (Kye’s nickname while I…

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Doggie Lovin’

As a parent do you sort of chuckle to yourself when you see a young couple all about their dog? You think “just wait” because you know that once a baby enters the picture the…

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Britt and her Sheep (or Lamb?)

I know y’all have been going through some Brittlynn withdraws! ๐Ÿ™‚ For Kye’s first Easter my mom bought him a Lovie. She got him his monkey and we planned on it being his attachment object.…

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