Dig Day with Gramma

I got less than three hours of sleep last night (saw the Hunger Games premiere!) and am about to head out to Jacksonville with Kye, Robyn and Lorelai to see Veggie Tales Live so I…

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Kye’s 3rd Birthday Party

Rather than breaking this up into a bunch of smaller posts I am just doing one HUGE one. With over 100 pictures…so be warned ๐Ÿ™‚ You can look back at Kye’s parties over the years:…

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Woody Party Decorations

I had two goals when planning Kye’s party this year: 1. Make it about KYE. I didn’t want to go overboard with all kinds of cute little decorations and junk. I LOVE that type of…

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Gifts from Grandpa and Grammie

My dad lives about 5 hours or so away so we didn’t expect him to come to the party (plus with as many people there as we had, he wouldn’t have gotten much quality Kye…

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3rd Birthday Invitations

Each year I buy Kye a shirt from Etsy that fits the theme of his party then we take pictures of him in the shirt and use them for his invitations. I’m thinking next year…

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