Monthly Summary: February

February was Kye’s last month being 2! It’s CRAZY how fast this year flew by and I really think Kye took advantage of having the “terrible twos” as an excuse this month ๐Ÿ˜‰ He was…

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My First Outing with Two

I know what you’re thinking: how is it possible that Brittlynn is almost three months old and Emily has yet to go anywhere with them both on her own!?! I feel pretty slack for taking…

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Kids Sales

The day I went into labor with Kye was actually also the first time I ever heard about the local kid sales. Crissy texted me that morning to see if I wanted to go with…

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Week 12 Summary

Brittlynn’s 12th week of life was from Feb 21st – Feb 27th which means she turned 12 weeks old on Tuesday Feb 28th. Yes, you read that right. My little BABY turned 12 weeks old!!!…

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Not My Style

After having Brittlynn several people have told me that they are interested to see what her style will be like. I guess Kye has a specific look? I just have always dressed him in a…

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