Valentine’s Day

Kye really enjoys making crafts so I thought it’d be fun for him to make Valentine’s this year. Last year I pretty much made them and just let him color on them, remember? This year…

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Week Ten Summary

Week Ten for Britt was from February 7th – February 13th. It was a crazy week for us here as Zach was in Texas working. It was my first time dealing with the kids solo…

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Casey’s Parker Family Shower

I LOVE weddings and LOVE getting to be part of them! One of the downsides of being an “older” bridesmaid is that I can’t be as devoted as one as I’d like to be. I…

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Week Nine Summary

Week nine of Brittlynn’s life was from Jan 31st through Feb 6th. She had a great week while mine wasn’t so wonderful but we’ll get to that! Sleep: She officially started sleeping in her big…

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Must-Have Items for A New Baby

Must-Have Items for a New Baby Sometimes we just need to keep things simple! Here is a quick list of my infant “must-haves” and favorites: Babywise Babywise is, obviously, my most essential item. I pretty…

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