Britt ~ Two Months Old!

Brittlynn turned two months old on February 6th. Yes, time is flying by that quickly!!! She has already changed so much…you can see her one month post here. Also you can purchase your baby some…

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Lorelai’s 3rd Birthday!

Kye and Lorelai are one month and one day apart in age. It works out great because I know when I get Lorelai’s birthday party invite in the mail that it means I need to…

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Monthly Summary – January

January was a big adjustment month for me with Brittlynn so poor Kye didn’t get quite the amount of Mommy attention he’s used to! Here’s what he was up to during that month: Playing: I’m…

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Kye’s Artwork: Fall 2011

When Kye first started school I knew I had to decide how to handle all the artwork he’d be coming home with. Do I keep it all? Display it somewhere??? I put the question out…

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Open Book

For those of you that have known me a long time, you know that I have always been an open book. It’s just who I am. I was always that kid at school who wasn’t…

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