Week Eight Summary

~WINNER!!!!! Random.org selected: True Random Number Generator Min: 1 Max: 97 Result: 5. Comment #5: “Forddygirl And I facebooked it :-)” CONGRATS TO KELLY FORD!!!! Thanks to everyone for entering…I was pretty shocked that it…

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Toes in the Grass

Something I didn’t fully appreciate with Kye as a baby were those moments of just the two of us. For Brittlynn, those moments aren’t very often. Typically she’ll get done eating at 3 and won’t…

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Visit from the C Clan

Sorry for the days without posts…it’s been a rough week. But I’m getting back in the swing of things now! I have lived in Valdosta for almost eight years. I have made MANY wonderful, fabulous…

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Further Prevention Against SIDS

UPDATE: the mattress cover originally linked in this post is no longer available. The company who makes the mattress cover is called BebeSafe and I was able to find some available from this retailer ๐Ÿ™‚ …

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Week Seven Summary

Brittlynn’s 7th week of life was from January 17th – the 23rd. Here’s what we were up to that week: Sleep: BIG events in the world of sleep for Miss Britt! On 1/17 she had…

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