Revamp and Giveaway!!!

Notice anything new??? My blog has been long overdue for an update! I actually hunted around, thinking I might pay someone to redo the blog for me. Then I realized that if I pay someone…

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Britt and Her Brother

I was in the process of uploading pictures for Britt’s next weekly update when I realized I had enough cute ones of Kye and Britt together to make a separate post for them ๐Ÿ™‚ Kye…

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Rocket/Olive Baby Shower

Crissy is one of my best friends so when I found out she was pregnant with Olive I, of course, wanted to celebrate the new baby with a shower!!! Ashley was sweet enough to get…

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Aflac Kick-Off

This year Mr. Rusty hosted his district Aflac kick-off at a cute little restaurant in town (Willy’s or something?). It’s funny because I’d never even heard of the place and Valdosta isn’t very big!!! The…

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Britt’s Week Six Summary

~I’m one follower away from 200 and a super exciting giveaway! I’ve ordered the prize and when I showed Zach what I got he said I should keep it for myself…it’s that awesome ๐Ÿ˜‰ ~…

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