I swear my poor child! Kye rarely gets sick and he’s never had the common kid things like ear infections…yet he’s had unexplainable rashes, random huge bug bites, and now a UTI. Yes, a urinary…

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Week Four Summary

Oops! I forgot in the Week Three Summary post to provide a link to look back at Kye’s third week! Here it is and for sure look at it because there is a picture of…

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Brittlynn’s Birth Story {By Daddy}

I know you’ve been waiting on it…and here it finally is! I’m so thankful that I have the type of husband who is not only willing to write these blog entries but wants to. Our…

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Goals for 2012

I love having goals! Every New Years since I was young I’ve made a list of goals to try to achieve for that new year. It’s a great way to really look at myself and…

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2011 In Pictures

I love yearly traditions, even blogging ones ๐Ÿ™‚ You all know I have a HARD time editing down my pictures and I typically post way more than anyone probably really wants to see so this…

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