Week Three Summary

Brittlynn’s third week of life was from December 20th – December 26th. Here is what Brittlynn was up to during her third week! Nursing: She was rather fussy on the breast at times during this…

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Year End Review ~ 2011

It’s time again for my year end review! I LOVE doing this every year at New Year’s. At the start of each year I make a list of goals then at the end of that…

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Christmas Card Roll Call!

This is my 1,000th blog entry!!! I didn’t realize I was creeping up on 1,000 posts so I wasn’t prepared…I will be posting my top 10 favorite blog entries soon though ๐Ÿ™‚ Last year I…

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Christmas at Mom’s {Part 2}

Zach said it best this year…we are SO lucky that we get to have two Christmases every year because we get to have lots of kids and craziness at Mrs. Charlotte’s which is really fun…

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Christmas at Mom’s {Part 1}

After our mini Christmas stuff at our house we headed to Mom’s for Christmas dinner. I like that we do something on legit Christmas day together and we enjoyed a super yummy meal (she actually…

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