Our Mini Christmas

Most of our Christmas traditions involve our extended family (Aren’t Zach, Kye and Britt now my immediate family and everyone else is extended??? Never really sure how that worked?) but we have established a few…

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Christmas Morning at the Parkers

I know I re-explain this every year but I figure someone new may be reading and may think to themselves: “why in the heck are they all spending the night at Zach’s parents house?!?” The…

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Dealing With a Tongue Tied Infant

Dealing with a Tongue Tied Infant When Brittlynn was born we started off with a wonderful nursing relationship! She nursed for over 40 minutes in the delivery room alone! Over the next few days, we…

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Christmas Eve

I was pretty nervous about the holidays this year. We go and do a TON during Christmas and I didn’t know how it would all go with a baby who wasn’t even three weeks old…

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Meeting Santa

On Thursday December 22nd we decided to take the kids up to Steel’s to meet Santa! It’s a yearly tradition and I LOVE going to Steel’s because it’s so laid back and FREE. ๐Ÿ™‚ I…

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