Do You Blog???

My right sidebar is in desperate need of some updating! Now that I am nursing so often I’m also able to read more blogs and I realized that only a handful of the blogs I…

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Week Two Summary

I promise these posts will start to get a better order to them eventually, blogger has been funky lately with picture uploads for me so I have to post them in the order that they…

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On Saturday morning I drove up to Atlanta to attend Hallie Green’s memorial service. It was the second time in less than three years that I’ve attended a memorial for a baby under three months…

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Christmas Cookie Decorating

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is decorating cookies with my mom. I’ve done it as long as I can remember and have enjoyed scarfing down on the beautiful creations through New Years ๐Ÿ˜‰ Mom…

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Christmas Family Pics

I’ve always wanted to get professional pictures taken at the holidays to use for our Christmas cards but it’s just never made sense to spend the money at such an already expensive time of the…

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