Newborn Photos ~ Family

I love working with a personal photographer over a studio…the options are endless and we aren’t stuck in some stuffy room doing the same lame poses over and over! These images are from the family…

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Newborn Photos ~ Siblings

While getting pictures of Brittlynn alone was important, I was excited for pictures of Kye with his little sister too ๐Ÿ™‚ I love sweet sibling pictures and if Kye is anything, he is a sweet…

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Newborn Photos ~ Brittlynn

On Saturday, December 17th we had Brittlynn’s newborn photo shoot. She was 11 days old. I would have liked to have waited a little bit longer since newborns change so much so quickly, but I…

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One of the biggest jobs we have as parents is to instill a solid self-esteem into our children. It’s important for our kids to grow up feeling like they matter, that they have worth. However,…

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A Pretty Day

You moms know what it’s like…when you have a new baby at home you don’t know what day it is, how long it’s been since you last showered, and your surely don’t step foot outside…

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