Grandpa Came to Town!

When Kye was born my dad was living in Omaha, Nebraska so there was no way he could make it in time for the birth. This time Dad was planning to come down when the…

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Britt’s 1st Well Visit

When you have a new baby you go to the hospital about two days after you get home to have them checked and then about two weeks later you take them to the pediatrician to…

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Week One Summary

Yes, I’m doing weekly updates for awhile (they’d be recording breakingly long if I attempted to do it monthly since SO much changes week-to-week with a newborn). And yes, I’m also way behind. I did…

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Having a Girl

As many of you know, I was dying for a baby girl. I wanted one so badly that Zach and I tried lots of tricks to conceive a girl (guess they worked…you can read about…

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Kye’s First Progress Report

Kye started preschool this past August and I’m SO glad we made the choice to go ahead and start this year. He goes three days a week for half a day and it’s the perfect…

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