Breastfeeding Basics Class: Round 2

As all of you know, I breastfed Kye exclusively for 10 months (and had enough milk frozen to last him until a little over 11 months old). I was not a natural when it came…

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Christmas Ready!

Getting ready for Blitzen’s arrival has also meant getting ready for Christmas! I LOVE that we’ve done everything so early this year!!! In an effort to finish up all my errands for awhile (with a…

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39 Weeks Pregnant!

Officially 7 days out from my due date and ONE day more pregnant than I’ve ever been ๐Ÿ™‚ Baby Size: Blitzen is now just waiting around to come into the world! He or she is…

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Picking out our Christmas Tree

Since we knew Blitzen would arrive sometime before Christmas our plan has always been to get our Christmas tree early. There are some things I want to WAIT for the baby to do (visit Santa,…

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38 Week OBGYN Visit

This morning I had my 38 week check-up. Tomorrow I’m officially 39 weeks, but I wanted to wait this long to get checked again as 1) I didn’t want to hear “no change” 2) I…

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