Waiting for Blitzen

It’s amazing to me how different it is to be pregnant a second time. At this point with my first pregnancy I was dying for it to be over. I hated all things pregnant and…

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Breaking Dawn Part I

I have gone to the midnight premiere of all the Twilight movies. I’m so hardcore ๐Ÿ˜‰ It started off with just a few of us, grabbing Steak and Shake before the movie and has turned…

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Sick and Scared

The morning after Twilight Night (which I’ll be blogging about next) I woke up feeling sick. This was on Friday Nov 18th. I thought I just felt sick from lack of sleep (as I didn’t…

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Cotton Field

You’ve all seen the awesome barn down from our house. (if not you can in this post about my maternity pictures!) Right now we also have a BEAUTIFUL cotton field next to the barn! How…

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Kye’s School Thanksgiving Day!

Kye L-O-V-E-S school! I have been looking so forward to the Thanksgiving Celebration Day they hosted the week prior to Thanksgiving.The parents were invited into the classroom for most of the morning and we were…

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