Infant CPR Class – Quick Facts You Need to Know

Zach and I both took a CPR class for a semester in college (It was the CRAZIEST class…Zach and I were both in it along with his high school sweetheart who he dated for like…

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Kye’s Christmas Shopping

Warning: Daddy don’t read this post! ๐Ÿ™‚ Zach and I both LOVE to buy presents. We go overboard for each other for pretty much every holiday. We may not be big spenders majority of the…

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Monthly Summary – October

I wonder how well I’ll do with monthly summaries for Kye and weekly ones for the newborn? I did weekly updates for Kye for a loooong time then did two monthly posts each month covering…

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38 Weeks Pregnant!

Ok maybe just maybe this will be my last weekly pregnancy post?!?! I’m ready to start the newborn weekly ones instead and have pictures of a sweet, precious baby instead of my big ‘ole tummy!!!…

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My 27th Birthday!

My birthday kinda crept up on me this year. Usually the build up for “the day” is pretty huge and I get pretty pumped. I guess being a busy mom means those days are kinda…

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