Blitzen Baby Name Hints!!!!!

The five or so of you who were around back when I had Kye may remember that we didn’t find out if he was a boy or a girl and we didn’t tell any names…

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Halloween 2011

We have never taken Kye trick-or-treating before! I know that may sound odd, but personally I’m against a) keeping my kid up past their bedtime when they won’t remember/don’t care about the event and b)…

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37 Week OBGYN Visit

Since Kye is out of school this week with Thanksgiving, there was no way for me to go alone to this appointment. Plus I MISS having Zach at my appointments with me and really wanted…

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Blitzen Gender Guesses!

Since I know a LOT of my close friends have been holding out guessing on the Blitzen Baby Pool Giveaway I thought I’d help all of you out the best I can ๐Ÿ˜‰ Also if…

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Carving Our Pumpkin

Last year we carved our pumpkin WAY too early and that junk was beyond molded and covered in all kinds of gross bugs before Halloween even arrived. So this year we waited until Oct 30th…

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