Neighborhood Halloween Party

After Blitzen’s second baby shower we headed home and Kye was napping. Liz and I made cupcakes and talked (probably took the longest I’ve ever taken to make some cupcakes because we were talking more…

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37 Weeks Pregnant

NOW I’m officially considered FULL TERM!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Hopefully we’ll only be having a couple more of these weekly posts…or maybe this will be the last? Baby Size:  Blitzen is weighing 6 1/2 lb and measures…

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A couple of weeks ago Kye got a little cough. His nose was slightly runny, but clear, and he never got a fever. Mom and I have been teaching the 3 year old Bible Study…

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Blitzen’s 2nd Baby Shower

Courtney and Casey threw my second baby shower for Blitzen on Oct 29th. They hosted it at Mrs. Charlotte’s house and it turned out SO awesome!!!! I loved the theme (winter, Blitzen theme!) and the…

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Sibling Class at SGMC

Last pregnancy Zach and I attended every pregnancy class offered by our hospital, except one. The “Mommy’s having a baby!” class if for children who are going to be big brothers and/or sisters. Of course…

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