Dramatic Evening

Zach has been out of town all this week (he’s coming home tonight thank the LORD). During this time of the year he has to be gone quite a bit as it’s his biggest time…

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School Service Day

Kye goes to school only three days a week, but his school offers classes for five days a week. So far, this hasn’t meant that Kye has missed out on anything for the two days…

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Monthly Summary – September

September was a month FILLED with travel (Labor Day, Vegas, and Disney took up more than half the month) so I didn’t capture as many pictures around the house as I normally do since, well,…

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Maternity Pics: Round 2!

Crissy (who also blogs! check out here blog here!) and I always have fun times together! We met through Seth and Zach, who were friends in high school, and have only gotten closer and closer…

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Emily’s Disney Tips!

I hope everyone enjoyed ALL my many Disney posts! I thought I’d do one entry combining all of the tips I’ve learned so next time I plan a trip to Disney I can just refer…

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