Growning Up – New Cars

Life is a journey and an opportunity to learn from our mistakes in the past. Growing up is all about making changes in how you do things and improving on yourself! One area that Zach…

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Labor Day Weekend

It’s become a yearly tradition that over Labor Day weekend we go away with the whole Parker clan somewhere. We’ve gone to Mr. Rusty and Mrs. Charlotte’s condo in Alabama, Panama City Beach, and Jacksonville…

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What I’m Lovin’ Wednesday!

I’m linking up with Jaime today to share what I’m loving this week! I’m loving that TONIGHT is the finale night of Big Brother!!! I never thought I’d be saying this but…GO TEAM RACHEL!!! I’m…

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A Day of Dr. Visits

So much for trying to rest and relax before my two major vacations! This morning I had my obgyn visit as I blogged about earlier…and this afternoon Kye and I had a nice little rush-as-fast-as-we-can…

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27 Week OBGYN Visit

This morning officially started my every two week check-ups. Since it was my random glucose screening test I decided not to bring Kye along. I enjoy having him hear the heartbeat, but honestly he gets…

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